B Squadron JLRRE

This is the main page for the squadron or unit. More info will be added here as I get the time, but for now it's a "base" for establishing comms with other members of the same unit. You can post messages for other members of the same unit using the messages link above this blurb, and you can also search for other members of this unit. Once you find them, click on their name to send an email direct to them. Please note that this website doesn't "remember" your emails, they are sent direct from you to the recipient without sappers.co.uk getting in the way. That helps you get in touch quickly and it keeps everything simple and free. Have fun. Gordon



Dear one and all, I am looking for some help a few years ago I was burgled and my precious photo Album with family and close colleagues from my days in service with the British Army from September 1969 - 1970 Dover were stolen- that glorious time when everything in the world was free and fun. Does anyone have contact with John Gow - Mick Berry- or Skinhead Holrhyde or Corporal Jeffrys who was my PS instructor. After JLRRE I went to the Junior Tradesmen at Rhyl Kimmel Park Camp. If there is anyone out there who has photo's of that time that could possible help me locate some photo.

I arrived in Dover on the 4th January 1967 and was allocated to B Squadron. After being issued with my uniform, undergoing the compulsory Hair cut, I was given my own pair of blue shoulder flashes to denote my B Squadron status.

For the first term we spent our time bulling boots, doing locker and bed inspections, Polishing floors and bouncing off lockers on a regular basis. The Junior NCO's made our life a misery, but it sorted out the lads from the chaff.

Once the initial intake term was completed, education started in earnest with us being split up onto different floors. At this point I was selected for the Regiments Swimming and water Polo Teams under the civilian instructor Mr Shand. We went on to represent the Army in the Inter-Service Championships in 1967 & 68.

I left Dover for Aldershot in the early summer of 1969.

Same day as me, Colin, Jack Frost

Were you in B Squadron As well Jack? My memory for names is neigh on useless these days.

Hi, I arrived on 14 Sep 1976 and very quickly the instructors turned very nasty if you know what I mean. They had us across the parade square and inside B Sqn, Watson Troop, and allocated a room to us all before we knew what was happening. Although like many others I did not really enjoy the first week, after that it was great. I would not change it for anything. Watson Troop instructors were a SSgt Weatherly who on retirement was replaced by SSgt Brierley (who I met 6 years later on my section commanders course, he was then a WO1) and we also had Sgt Sticky Norman who I met a year later on my first tour of NI. I do not remember my first Troopy but the second was Lt Chips (cross country runner) and I have forgotten the third young officer, however, I did meet him 6 years later in Hameln when he was a Capt and I a Cpl on my class 1 combat engineering course. My main friend from Watson was Ted Towse - do not know what happened to him after 1982. A Chris Trott of Colvin Troop, B Sqn became a good friend because we both ended up being R&S Ftr and later on the same CW(M) in 1985-86. If there is anyone out there in SapperLand who knows me then please drop a line. All the best. Steve

Hi Steve Im Stan Darbyshire and I was Colvin troop at the same time you mention above. I'm planning another reunion next September in Warwick. email me at duffbudgie11@outlook.com and i'll talk more with you. Gavin Palmer is on board as well as a couple of others.... Stan

I also arrived that cold day, I remember “Jack” we studies Engr Drawing and we spent time in Hameln. Other young men who arrived that day Ted Martin,Del Drake,Alan Mallion, Bill Reed, Rab Burns,David Tipple,Les Ciccone, Taff O Brian, Derrick Frost, Mr Cappele,Les Peary,Ian Stirling, Jimmy Hind, Robbie from Cyprus, Dave Clarke, Mr Pilbeam, Les Cunliffe, Graham Wynne,Terry Wood, Les “jock” Brown, Micky Harrison, Mr Dobson and a few others I can’t recall, some lasted days others went on got long careers and promotions. I had a camera during my last year so I will try to put as many relevant photos on the site in the coming days. So if I’ve missed your name out. Some of names came to me late as did Micky Harrison’s arrival in our room that first night. Dizzy Dog, I can recognise your face in the Swimming team photo but I can’t remember you, sorry.

Hi Guys I am trying to catch up with a few of the lads from Dieppe troop from the May 1968 intake. The lads are Les Faulkner, Mike Cioffi, and "Dick" Emery. If anybody can put me in touch with them or can give me any information I would be really grateful